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The www.vertiqualsafety.com website is a real-time information and communication material provided by VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL in order to present information deemed useful to all partners and collaborators of the company. For the use of this page it is recommended to carefully read the terms and conditions. You must agree to all this terms and conditions. Otherwise, please disregard all information provided and do not use this website.
This site is maintained and managed by VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL. The entire content of the page is protected by Romanian and international copyright law. The copyright owner is VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL. The Owner guarantees the user limited, personal interest, access to this site and does NOT give him the right to download or partially or completely modify the site, partially or completely reproduce the site, copy, sell/resell or exploit the Site in any other manner, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL, without its written consent.
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VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL is not responsible for the content, the quality or the nature of the sites that have links to this site (informative, commercial or advertising links). The responsibility for this site lies with the owners of the site.
VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL focuses on data confidentiality. You can browse through www.vertiqualsafety.com without giving any information about yourself. In order to benefit from additional informations or services you request, we need more information about you. As such: VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL can hold and use this information in communicating with you (for example, to communicate offers and up-to-date information about the services and products offered by VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL).
The content of the site is purely informative, none of the information or data presented creates obligations for the owner. Any conflict arising between VERTIQUAL ENGINEERING SRL and its clients is tried to be resolved amicably by agreement between the parties. If this is not possible, the Romanian legal provisions in this field will apply, and the resolution of the conflicts is the competence of the Romanian courts.
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To contact us, use the information on the contact page.